( 01 )
Y vio Dios que era bueno
(And God saw that it was good)
2015- . . .
This phrase, collected in the Genesis, supposes the first certification of quality of the History. Now, we are experiencing a moment characterized by a lack of fundamentals: we are in free fall.
The project conceiving a scene which acts as amplifier of our current problematic. We are in another dimension that announces the final outcome: our existence in a kind of super-reality in which we have lost the will and our capacity for action.
Work in progress.

Natural Artifice Exhibition
Glass Tank Gallery, Oxford Brookes University
February 2018
Curated by Entreentre
A group exhibition exploring how naturalistic and illusionistic representations influence the construction and understanding of reality. Aims to develop an understanding of what it means when photography has become the vehicle through which we learn about and disseminate knowledge, experience, and aspirations of our shared reality. "Natural Artifice" is about the truth hidden deep within illusions and under the skin of visual deceit, it’s about the simultaneously absurd and indispensable reliance on a consistent and trustworthy image of reality to navigate through.
At the exhibition a limited edition screen printed pamphlet is available. The pamphlet, designed by John Phillip Sage and printed by Entreentre Press, features text by Neil Bennun, Sam Lynch and Frederik Petersen as well as images from the exhibition.
In Vegue's work a long lens is used to isolate sections of the ground in a generic city square. Involuntarily, agents become erratic actors as they stray across Vegue's rectangular cone of vision. The camera acts as a stationary eye impatiently waiting for something to activate the spatial depth it records. Vegue's cropping and isolation of reality combined with a careful sequential framing creates a record of moments where the photographer's role as an observer is overtaken by his capacity for actively interpreting incongruous events as if they were connected.
Frederik Petersen, curator of the exhibition.