Fosi Vegue is an author who works in scenarios where spatial references disappear in order to become revealing metaphors of the flaws of our society.
Having worked as a photography teacher and manager for over eighteen years, his most ambitious project, Blank Paper School, allowed him to train a whole generation of photographers who have renovated our visual imaginary and to showcase and promote their work and also that of other emerging creators.
Passionate about photobooks, he co-founded Fiebre Photobook.
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Photography projects
Catholic Church is going through a difficult time. Due to its doing nothing policy is not able to attract a society in a deep spiritual crisis and neither able to relocate itself into the new global stage.
A party hall of refined and decadent atmosphere which lived its years of fame in the 70s and now all of its splendour has been lost, yearns to recover its status.
Issues such as prostitution only become problematic when the system, or a society at the service of that system, deem them to be so. Nor would they exist in the absence of a legal framework that lays down the limits of what can and cannot be seen in public.
2015- . . .
Y vio Dios que era bueno (And God saw that it was good)
This phrase, collected in the Genesis, supposes the first certification of quality of the History. Now, we are experiencing a moment characterized by a lack of fundamentals: we are in free fall.

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2010- . . .
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My alumni
(Among others)
Alejandro Marote | Federico Clavarino | Michele Tagliaferri | Víctor Garrido (La Troupe) | Miren Pastor | Alberto Lizaralde | Sonia Berger (Dalpine) | Nacho Navas | Rodrigo Ramos | Bernardita Morello | Brenda Moreno | Fabiola Cedillo | Nacho Caravia | Walter Costa | Laura Carrascosa Vela | Carol Caicedo | Gloria Oyarzabal
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1976 Talavera, Spain.
1998 B.A. Art History. University of Salamanca, Spain.
2001 Diploma in Higher Technical Photography. Artediez School of Arts. Madrid, Spain.
2002 Certificate in Video and Television Production. Madrid, Spain.
2003-2017 Workshops with Michael Mack, Erik Kessels, Christian Patterson, Joan Fontcuberta, Stephen Shore, Martin Parr, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Florian Van Roekel, Edward Burtynsky, Horacio Fernández or Cristóbal Hara.
Teaching. IED Madrid. Istituto Europeo di Design
2020-2021 Teacher of Visual Culture. Master of Publishing Design: Print and Digital Media.
Teaching. SUR School of Artistic Professions. Madrid
2019-... Teacher of the University Master's Degree in Art and Artistic Professions and of the Fundamental Course.
Teaching. Blank Paper School of Photography
2006-2017 Founder and director.
-Designer of the course curriculum and training method.
-Teacher specialised in development of photographic projects, visual narrative and photobook making.
Teaching. Art Schools of Castilla la Mancha
2018 Project and Photographic Language training for photography teachers.
Teaching. Cultural Centres of Madrid
2004-2006 Introduction to Photography teacher.
Teaching. Workshops & Lectures (selection)
2021 Workshop Germinal. Deriva Escuela. Granada.
2021 Workshop A thousand images and a word. Design Journey. 26th edition. ESDIR. Logroño.
2021 Visiting lecture Life is more important than Photography. Design Journey. 26th edition. ESDIR. Logroño.
2020-2021 Curso online Hoja de ruta. AULA Escuela. Cuenca, Ecuador.
2020 Visiting lecture Photographic project: form and discourse. AULA School. Cuenca, Ecuador.
2019 Editorial laboratory Fiebre LAB. Fiebre Photobook Festival. Madrid.
2019 Workshop A thousand images and a word. REDES, Multidisciplinary Forum of Thought and Debate on Photography and Theory of the Image. Bilbao.
2019 Visiting lecture Life is more important than Photography. REDES, Multidisciplinary Forum of Thought and Debate on Photography and Theory of the Image. Bilbao.
2019 Workshop Work and City. Fiebre Photobook Festival, Madrid.
2019 Workshop Photographic project: roadmap. Centro Vecinal Canido, Ferrol.
2019 Visiting lecture ¡Fotografía Ahora! course. Carlos III University of Madrid and the School of the Arts. Fine Arts Circle, Madrid.
2019 Visiting lecture Life is more important than Photography, Arts School Talavera.
2018 Visiting lecture Panoramic: New Spanish Photography, Artediez School of Arts, Madrid.
2017 Fotolibro, workshop on bookmaking with Federico Clavarino and Michele Tagliaferri, Skinnerboox. Jesi, Italy.
2016 Oddisey, workshop on visual narrative with Federico Clavarino. Unseen Amsterdam.
2015 Editing projects workshop. ECO, Meeting of Ibero-American collectives. Santos. Brazil.
2014 Workshop on bookmaking with Óscar Monzón and Gonzalo Golpe. CdF (Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo), Uruguay.
2014 Workshop on reading photographs. La Térmica. Málaga, Spain.
2013 Project development workshop. La Térmica. Málaga, Spain.
2012 Inventa Málaga. Collaborative workshop with Antonio M. Xoubanova. La Térmica. Málaga, Spain.
2012 Workshop on project development and visiting lecture, Gimnasio del Arte. México DF, México.
2011 Inventa Lavapiés. Collaborative workshop with Ricardo Cases. Tabacalera. Ministerio de Cultura. Madrid, Spain.
2011 Visiting lecture, Photography and Journalism Seminar. Fundación Santa María de Albarracín. Teruel, Spain.
2010 Workshop on project development. CCEBA (Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires). Argentina.
2009 Visiting lecture. Valencia University. Valencia, Spain.
Cultural Management
2013 Co-founder of the Fiebre Photobook Festival, pioneering festival in Spain.
2015 Curator of the exhibition “El proceso”, within the Fiebre Photobook Festival.
2009-2016 Curator of various exhibitions of emerging authors in Blank Paper Escuela.
2003-2005 Contributor to magazine, edited by Manuel Santos.
2018 Yogurt Magazine, issue 1, Antimatter flavour. Rome.
2017 Blank Paper, Histoires du Présent Immédiat, (catalogue). Arles, France.
2016 Blank Paper. Photobolsillo (catalogue). La Fábrica. Madrid, Spain.
2014 XY XX (book), Dalpine, Spain.
2010 ECO, Meeting of Ibero-American an European Photography Collectives (catalogue). RM, Spain.
2009 Grandes éxitos (catalogue) FotoPres´09. Fundación " La Caixa". Barcelona, Spain.
2009 Laberinto de Miradas. Casa de Campo, Blank Paper Collective (catalogue). Meeting of Ibero-American collectives. RM, Spain.
2006 Extremaunción (catalogue) FotoPres´05. Fundación " la Caixa". Barcelona, Spain.
Features & Reviews
2018 Y vio Dios que era bueno (review), Entreentre 12 Pamphlet. Natural Artifice. London.
2018 XY XX (feature), Yogurt Magazine. Rome, Italy.
2018 XY XX (feature), PHmuseum. Rome, Italy.
2016 Grandes Éxitos, (feature) GUP Magazine. Amsterdam.
2015 XY XX (review), IMA Magazine, Vol.11. Tokyo, Japan.
2015 XY XX (feature), The Eyes magazine 4. Paris, France.
2015 XY XX (review), L'Oeil de la Photographie. Paris, France.
2015 XY XX (review), Folha de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2015 XY XX (review) by Jörg M. Colberg. Conscientious Photography Magazine. USA.
2014 XY XX (review) by Jessica Lamacque, Fisheye Magazine. France.
2014 XY XX (review), El País. Madrid.
Grants & Awards
2020 Woman Go No'Gree by Gloria Oyarzabal Winner of Photobook of the Year. Editing and sequence by Fosi Vegue.
2019 Grant for Creation and Visual Arts from the Comunidad de Madrid.
2015 Shortlisted of the PDF Cosmos Award. Arles, France.
2010 Finalist of Descubrimentos PHotoEspaña 2010. Madrid, Spain.
2010 Professional Grant XI Seminar Photography and Journalism. Albarracín, Spain.
2009 FotoPres'09 Fundación "la Caixa" Grant for Grandes éxitos project. Barcelona, Spain.
2007 Winner of the ARCO'07 Award for Documentary photography. Madrid, Spain.
2005 FotoPres'05 Fundación "la Caixa" Grant for Extremaunción project, Barcelona, Spain.
2005 Winner of the Young Creators Award. Madrid, Spain.
Group Exhibitions
2018 Feminism and Femininity: a visual reflection. 15 Photo Forum Can Basté, Barcelona.
2018 Natural Artifice. Glass Tank Gallery, Oxford Brookes University.
2018 Blank Paper y Cía. REDITINER. Madrid.
2017 Blank Paper, Histoires du Présent Immédiat, Les Rencontres d'Arles. France
2014 Fotografía 2.0, curated by Joan Fontcuberta. PHotoEspaña14. Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain.
2014 Porno Miseria, alongside Óscar Monzón in 1+1=12 Contemporary Photographic Encounters, Instituto Francés, Madrid, Spain.
2010 ECO, Blank Paper Collective, Meeting of Ibero-American and European Photography Collectives. Tabacalera. Madrid, Spain.
2010 Grandes éxitos. FotoPres'09 Fundación "la Caixa". CaixaForum Madrid, Spain.
2008 Laberinto de Miradas, Casa de Campo, Blank Paper Collective, 1st Meeting of Ibero-American collectives. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2006 Extremaunción. FotoPres'05 Fundación "la Caixa". Tarragona, Spain.
2001 CANAL ABIERTO. Canal de Isabel II de Madrid. Spain.
Unicaja Photography Collection. Almería. Spain.
Private collections (several).